| Intro to WordPress MU vs WordPress by 温柔一刀 |
| We’re proud to say that we’ve built our new site using WordPress MU. WordPress MU, which stands for multi-user, is a version of WordPress built to host multiple blogs within one site. It’s actually what is used to run WordPress.com - that plus a few server farms. It’s built around the core of WordPr ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4748.html - 2009年11月1日 |
| WordPress MU Latest Posts by 温柔一刀 |
| e we can get truly latest post from entire blogs ordered by posting date or modified date.
Get truly all latest post from entire blogs
You can either ordered by posting date or by posting modified date
You can defined how much words that you like to appear as teaser.
You can either make you ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4746.html - 2009年11月1日 |
| is_taxonomy_hierarchical by 神墓 |
| he taxonomy object is hierarchical.
Checks to make sure that the taxonomy is an object first. Then Gets the object, and finally returns the hierarchical value in the object.
A false return value might also mean that the taxonomy does not exist.
return: Whether the taxonomy is hierarchical
since: ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4732.html - 2009年10月29日 |
| get_object_taxonomies by 神墓 |
| get_object_taxonomies (line 42)
Return all of the taxonomy names that are of $object_type.
It appears that this function can be used to find all of the names inside of $wp_taxonomies global variable.
<?php $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies('post'); ?>
Should result in
Array('category', ' ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4731.html - 2009年10月29日 |
| 有奖大转盘FLASH程序的内部代码! by 纵云 |
| function loadUsers()
var ld = new LoadVars();
var _loc2;
ld.load("./getActiveUser.action", "_root", "GET");
ld.onLoad = function (succ)
if (succ)
trace (ld.arg1);
_root.mc_users.txt_users.htmlText = ld.arg1;
_root.mc_users ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4677.html - 2009年10月28日 |
| A blank WordPress Theme Framework - WP Framework by 隐藏人物 |
| WP Framework
WP Framework was created to serve as the starting point in WordPress theme development.
It accomplishes this by providing you with commonly used functions and features that modern WordPress themes should have. So when you start a brand new WordPress project, us ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4721.html - 2009年10月27日 |
| 导出Google Reader的Feed条目生成xml的ruby小程序源代码 by 隐藏人物 |
| require 'net/https'
require 'uri'
def getSID(email, passwd)
uri = URI.parse('https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin')
req = Net::HTTP:ost.new(uri.path)
req.set_form_data({'Email'=>email, 'Passwd'=>passwd});
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
res ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4699.html - 2009年10月26日 |
| servlet生命周期 by wzzz |
| servlet 是分布式应用的一部分,那么,那么容器可 能在该应用分布的每个 JVM 中都维护一个实例池。如果开发者使用 synchronized 关键字定义 service 方法 ( 或者是 doGet 和 doPost) ,容器将排队处理请求,这是由底层的 java 运行时系统要求的。我们强烈推荐开发者不要同步 service 方法或者 HTTPServlet 的诸如 doGet 和 doPost 这样的服务方法。
3.2 、处理请求中的异常
servlet 在对请求进行服务的时 候有可能抛出 ServletException 或者 UnavailableExcepti ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4681.html - 2009年10月20日 |
| 基于Restlet的SNS的Open API平台前台代码的示例 by wzzz |
| REST API的users.getInfo,user.isAppAdded等method, 如何在开放平台的服务器端dispatch到对应的class或module来进行处理? 以下是一利用java的反射机制的简单示例代码
package com.xxx.api.web.restlet;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Strin ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4680.html - 2009年10月20日 |
| Yahoo! Query Language by 金刚不坏 |
| net through one simple language, eliminating the need to learn how to call different APIs.
How Do I Get Started?
Check out the YQL Console.
Read how to access YQL from your application.
Get your API Keys to sign your requests if you need them.
Using the API or Web Service
YQL Overview
YQL exposes an ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4647.html - 2009年10月8日 |