| Intro to WordPress MU vs WordPress by 温柔一刀 |
| differences. We chose to use it so that we at Sharpdot could all maintain our own blogs and also to get in a little practice because we’re working to implement a version of WP-MU on Portfolio Atlas sometime in the near future.
Now about those few differences… a couple of them have been troublesome. ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4748.html - 2009年11月1日 |
| WordPress MU Latest Posts by 温柔一刀 |
| This plugin get all latest post truly ordered by date or by posting modified date. How this plugin works are: First, get all posts in last 30 days (by default). Then, all this post transformed as array data. We use posting date as key array. After that, we short this array data and ordered by the ke ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4746.html - 2009年11月1日 |
| is_taxonomy_hierarchical by 神墓 |
| he taxonomy is hierarchical
since: 2.3.0
uses: is_taxonomy() - Checks whether taxonomy exists
uses: get_taxonomy() - Used to get the taxonomy object
bool is_taxonomy_hierarchical (string $taxonomy)
string $taxonomy: Name of taxonomy object
http://phpdoc.ftwr.co.uk/wordpress/WordPress/Taxonomy/_wp- ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4732.html - 2009年10月29日 |
| get_object_taxonomies by 神墓 |
| get_object_taxonomies (line 42)
Return all of the taxonomy names that are of $object_type.
It appears that this function can be used to find all of the names inside of $wp_taxonomies global variable.
<?php $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies('post'); ?>
Should result in
Array('category', ' ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4731.html - 2009年10月29日 |
| 有奖大转盘FLASH程序的内部代码! by 纵云 |
| function loadUsers()
var ld = new LoadVars();
var _loc2;
ld.load("./getActiveUser.action", "_root", "GET");
ld.onLoad = function (succ)
if (succ)
trace (ld.arg1);
_root.mc_users.txt_users.htmlText = ld.arg1;
_root.mc_users ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4677.html - 2009年10月28日 |
| A blank WordPress Theme Framework - WP Framework by 隐藏人物 |
| be able to start implementing the design and functionality specific to your project right from the get-go. That’s the primary and only goal for this project and it will continue to evolve as WordPress continues to move from blogging software towards a fully capable CMS.
Docs Here:
http://wpframe ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4721.html - 2009年10月27日 |
| 导出Google Reader的Feed条目生成xml的ruby小程序源代码 by 隐藏人物 |
| require 'net/https'
require 'uri'
def getSID(email, passwd)
uri = URI.parse('https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin')
req = Net::HTTP:ost.new(uri.path)
req.set_form_data({'Email'=>email, 'Passwd'=>passwd});
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
res ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4699.html - 2009年10月26日 |
| servlet生命周期 by wzzz |
| servlet 有良好的生存期的定义,包括如何加载、实例化、初始化、处理客户端请求以及如何被移除。这个生存期由 javax.servlet.Servlet 接口的 init,service 和 destroy 方法表达。
1 、加载和实例化
容器负责加载和实例化一个 servlet 。实例化和加载可以发生在引擎启动的时候,也可以推迟到容器需要该 servlet 为客户请求服务的时候。
首先容器必须先定位 servlet 类,在必要的情况下,容器使用通常的 Java 类加载工具加载该 servlet ,可能是从本机文件系统,也可以是从远程 文件系统甚至其它的网络服务。容器 ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4681.html - 2009年10月20日 |
| 基于Restlet的SNS的Open API平台前台代码的示例 by wzzz |
| REST API的users.getInfo,user.isAppAdded等method, 如何在开放平台的服务器端dispatch到对应的class或module来进行处理? 以下是一利用java的反射机制的简单示例代码
package com.xxx.api.web.restlet;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Strin ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4680.html - 2009年10月20日 |
| Yahoo! Query Language by 金刚不坏 |
| YQL exposes an SQL-like SELECT syntax that is both familiar to developers and expressive enough for getting the right data. Through the SHOW and DESC commands, we enable developers to discover the available data sources and structure without opening another Web browser.
YQL Open Data Tables
Open Dat ... |
| www.geekaa.com/topic/view/4647.html - 2009年10月8日 |