本主题由 咩咩 创建于 2008-10-29 19:50:31引子:
《 征婚:31岁,某高校教师,博士(但愿一年之内找到归属)》
1. 希望有缘人来对下联。上联:秋去冬来秋水伊人望穿秋水
2. 假如我们认识了,怎么精确得到(记者注:应为“知道”)我有多少根头发?
3. 请把《诗经·秦风》翻译成英文(选做)
1. 下联:插进拔出孤男寡女翻云覆雨
2. 8726根 保证没错,不信的话可以让我亲手验证
3. The water grass is very new, the morning water is very cold, I want to fuck that girl, she is making the fucking joke. Looking for her along the road, my feeling is boring and alone. Looking for her by the boat, like into the ass-hole.
The water grass is very old, the morning water stand in one row, I want to fuck that girl, she is also making the joke. Looking for her along the road, my feeling is boring and alone. Looking for her by the boat, I don’t like this fucking show.
The water grass is lovely so, the moring water dosen’t want to go, I want to fuck that girl, can she stop making this joke? Looking for her along the road, She will suck my dick all. Looking for her by the boat, son of the bitch she is at all !
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